
I look forward to reading Taco Psychosis.

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Looking forward to our three collaborations.

I have read lots of poetry, but never appreciated much of it beyond Dante and Whitman. However, last year I got into Rilke for a while. I do enjoy reading your poems.

Most of us encounter our poetry mostly in songs these days, I suppose. There are a lot of great lyricists. But that's another whole subject entirely.

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Thanks Mike! Glad you enjoy them.

I regard songwriting as a different art. It's similar to poetry but uses a different muscle; it's like how soundtrack composition is different from traditional composition. Case in point: Bob Dylan is regarded as a poet and his lyrics do have strong, symbolic features that can easily be called poetic. But his actual poetry collection, Tarantula, is unremarkable and - apart from a curious idiosyncrasy - forgettable. A big difference is that a poem is language-driven and can be accompanied by music but also stands by itself; while song lyrics have an inseparable symbiosis with melody. Seeing the repeated chorus and the bridge without the music is an experience of incompleteness.

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